Thursday, April 17, 2014

American flavored cotton candy and the movies

1. American Flavored Cotton Candy: If you’ve ever wondered what America tastes like, apparently it tastes like pink cotton candy!

2. Going to the movies—Ethiopia style: I went to see Divergent with a couple teachers, and it was quite the fun adventure! I was not anticipating having my bag searched, so I had a bag of popsicle sticks in my purse (#teacherprobs).  The lady gave me a questioning look, and I tried to explain that it was for a craft. (All I could think was that it would be next to impossible to replace the popsicle sticks in this country, so please don’t take them from me!) She let me keep them, but I’m sure she is still laughing at the crazy foreigner! Also, Ethiopians leave after the action is over in a movie.  I was told this ahead of time, and sure enough, when the last action scene was over, half of the audience got up and left.

Life is an adventure, and I’m loving every second of it!

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