Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Packing and Prayers

How long does it take you to use a stick of deodorant? What about a bottle of shampoo? Your favorite lotion? If you're going on the mission field any time soon, I suggest you start a nice spread sheet now. 

I'm leaving Friday, January 2nd, and I would appreciate your prayers. Here is how you can pray for me...

  • Good health.  The stomach bug has visited our family, and that's no fun. 
  • Safe and smooth travels.  I have a short connection in Houston.
  • Last minute details and packing to all get done with minimal stress.
  • Saying goodbyes to family and friends. (And for the people left behind.)
  • Smooth transition into life and teaching in Ethiopia.

Anybody want to come help??
And yes, WinShape friends, that is a token in my suitcase.

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